Chelsea Wilson

About Chelsea Wilson

Chelsea Wilson is the Community Relations Manager for Washington University School of Law’s distance learning LLM degree program, which provides foreign trained attorneys with the opportunity to earn a Master of Laws degree from a top-tier American university from anywhere in the world.

Author Archive | Chelsea Wilson

Common Risks to Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

What are Common Risks to Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney?

Meeting an accident is an overwhelming experience, especially if it has been caused by someone’s mistake or negligence. In such a situation, you may suffer physical and emotional injuries. Thus, you require professional legal advice who will guide you at every step to get fair compensation. However, hiring a personal injury lawyer has several benefits. […]

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Integrating AI Contract Review into Your Workflow

The 2023 Legal Trends Report shows that 69% of legal practices don’t use AI, but 51% of professionals want to implement it in the future. Of all the options, AI contract review software stands out the most. It interprets complex language structures and extracts important information with cutting-edge technologies like machine learning (ML) and natural […]

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Wrongful Death Allegation

What Is the Impact of a Wrongful Death Allegation on Your Character?

Being accused of a wrongful death is a situation fraught with emotional, social, and legal turmoil. This accusation carries with it not only the burden of potential legal penalties but also profound impacts on how an individual is perceived by society. The stigma attached to such allegations can tarnish one’s reputation, regardless of the case’s […]

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Effective Drug Possession Defense Strategies

5 Effective Drug Possession Defense Strategies

Should you be charged with possessing a controlled substance, being arrested does not equate to being convicted. In most states, such offenses are regarded as being highly serious. Yet, numerous defense tactics exist that could be employed to counter the charges you face, contingent upon the details of your case. Certain defenses might dispute the […]

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lawyer wearing suit

The Path to Becoming a Lawyer: Navigating Law Degrees and Beyond

Navigating the terrain of legal education and the subsequent steps can feel like traversing a labyrinth, with each turn presenting new challenges and decisions to be made. From selecting the right law school to mastering the art of legal writing, the journey is as demanding as it is rewarding. Amidst this, students often find themselves […]

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Using Professional Resume Templates for Legal Professionals

The Power of Using Professional Resume Templates for Legal Professionals

The employment industry is now more competitive than ever before. Cutting through and securing a dream job requires a strong first impression using a resume. Your resume is the perfect starting point to sell yourself and stand out as an excellent legal professional. However, crafting the perfect compelling resume requires specific skills and strategy. There […]

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Custody Lawyers in Family Legal Matters

Reasons Why Custody Lawyers are Essential Allies in Family Legal Matters

In the intricate web of family legal matters, few issues evoke as much emotion and complexity as child custody disputes. When relationships dissolve, and parents find themselves at odds over the care and upbringing of their children, the need for legal guidance becomes paramount. Custody lawyers serve as essential allies in navigating the tumultuous terrain […]

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Navigating the Path to Becoming a Lawyer

Navigating the Path to Becoming a Lawyer: Essential Steps for Success

The career of law has its challenges and rewards. You have aspirations to become a lawyer because you want to serve a greater purpose for your clients. Whether it’s criminal defense, family law, or even real estate law – it is possible to have a successful legal career where you can assist clients in navigating […]

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TransUnion Report Errors and How They Impact Your Credit Score

Common TransUnion Report Errors and How They Impact Your Credit Score

You have worked very hard to maintain your credit score and keep your credit score at the level that entitles you to what you deserve. What you deserve is fair and proper treatment by mortgage companies, banks, credit card companies, and any other entity that might loan you money. Maintaining a good credit score is […]

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Skilled Attorneys for Assault Cases

7 Tips for Finding Skilled Attorneys for Assault Cases in Phoenix

Are you currently facing the challenge of finding an attorney for an assault case in Phoenix? The process can seem overwhelming, especially with the stakes being so high. The right legal representation is not just a choice; it’s necessary to navigate the complexities of violent crime charges. This blog is designed to provide seven actionable […]

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Personal Injury Attorney

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Attorney for Your Needs?

Have you ever faced the challenge of selecting the right personal injury attorney for your unique situation? It’s a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case and your recovery process. The journey to justice and compensation is fraught with legal complexities, choosing representation a pivotal one. This guide aims to demystify […]

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The Process of Filing for Bankruptcy

The Process of Filing for Bankruptcy: What You Need to Know?

Financial hardship can lead to tough decisions, one of which might be filing for bankruptcy. This process can seem daunting and is often filled with misconceptions. Bankruptcy is designed to allow individuals and businesses to reset their financial status by restructuring or eliminating debts altogether. Understanding the bankruptcy process is vital for anyone considering this […]

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Strategies for Drug Possession Defense

7 Effective Strategies for Drug Possession Defense

Facing drug possession charges can feel overwhelming, but several defense strategies can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Hiring Patituce & Associates is a great idea if you’re facing drug possession charges and need a skilled drug possession defense lawyer. This article explores seven effective strategies to help defend against drug […]

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Doctor Holding Syringe

Avoid Medical Malpractice With These Steps

No matter your position within the healthcare industry, you must adhere to a strict set of codes and honor the oath you have pledged. It underpins the importance of following procedures and complying with regulations. An alarming issue that presents itself for various reasons is medical malpractice risk. It is a serious concern and can […]

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Victim of a Pedestrian Accident

What to Do If You’re a Victim of a Pedestrian Accident?

Getting hit as a pedestrian suddenly changes your life. You may deal with injuries, large medical bills, and possibly an inability to work. Quick action is important to protect your health and your rights. This guide offers easy-to-follow advice for anyone facing this tough situation. It highlights how crucial the help of an Augusta lawyer […]

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Apps for Lawyers

Enhancing Legal Efficiency: Top Apps for Lawyers To Improve Productivity

In the world of law and legal practices, time is of the essence. Lawyers are constantly juggling multiple cases, deadlines, and documents, making productivity a crucial aspect of their profession. Fortunately, the digital age has brought forth many apps designed specifically to streamline legal workflows and boost efficiency. From managing case files to conducting legal […]

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Rewarding Aspects of Working In The Legal Field

What Are The Most Rewarding Aspects of Working In The Legal Field?

A career in the legal field can have its challenges, much like any professional role. Every day can present unique opportunities – bringing the complexities of modern law to a field that is seen as fairly traditional. To bring value to the work that lawyers do, sometimes a bit of self-reflection is necessary – to […]

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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Landing Your Dream Paralegal Job with No Experience

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Landing Your Dream Paralegal Job with No Experience

Do you think that you can get paralegal jobs with no experience? You may see it as hopeless, but the truth is that the answer can either be yes or no. It is almost possible because you have more advantages as the education you receive is superior in many ways compared to the past years. […]

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Legal Challenges in Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology

7 Legal Challenges in Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology

Blockchain technology and smart contracts have revolutionized various industries, offering decentralized and transparent solutions. We’ve seen examples of how blockchain is implemented in the automotive, healthcare, supply chain, and real estate sectors. However, this rapid adoption has brought forth a myriad of legal challenges that demand careful consideration. And, don’t worry; you can still buy […]

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The Future of Drink-Driving Technology in Cars

The Future of Drink-Driving Technology in Cars

Drink-driving remains a significant public health concern, with thousands of lives lost each year due to alcohol-impaired driving incidents. The repercussions of these incidents extend beyond the immediate loss of life, affecting families, communities, and society at large through the emotional, social, and economic costs associated with such tragedies. In response to this ongoing issue, […]

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