Chelsea Wilson

About Chelsea Wilson

Chelsea Wilson is the Community Relations Manager for Washington University School of Law’s distance learning LLM degree program, which provides foreign trained attorneys with the opportunity to earn a Master of Laws degree from a top-tier American university from anywhere in the world.

Author Archive | Chelsea Wilson

Claim After a Truck Accident

How to Pursue a Claim After a Truck Accident

Accidents are a common occurrence on the highways and roads across America. While most involve collisions between motor vehicles resulting in car accidents, a smaller percentage include trucks. These accidents, however, typically result in more severe injuries due to the size and weight of the vehicles involved. Common truck accident injuries include traumatic brain injuries, […]

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Examining Premises Liability Law

Examining Premises Liability Law

Premises liability law is a complex legal area that can impact a surprisingly broad range of situations. Whether you’re a business owner welcoming customers through the door, a homeowner hosting a friendly gathering, or simply someone visiting a friend’s apartment, understanding premises liability law can help you avoid potential legal pitfalls and ensure everyone’s safety. […]

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Your Path to Justice: A Law Career Guide

Your Path to Justice: A Law Career Guide

Dreams of arguing landmark cases, defending the innocent, or righting systemic wrongs are common. But law school isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s tough, expensive, and time-consuming. So, is this really the right path for you? This guide won’t paint a rosy picture. But if you’re ready to embrace the hard work and genuinely […]

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Best Law School

Top 5 Best Schools for Specializing in Criminal Law

As with most careers, choosing to specialize in your legal career helps separate you from the next candidate. Specializing in criminal law can be a great way to narrow your field, while still leaving yourself open to a wide variety of possibilities. Criminal law is highly competitive but offers a great deal of job security. […]

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Unlocking Paradise: Ultimate Guide to Purchasing Real Estate in Thailand and How It Transforms Travel Experience

People come from around the world to visit Thailand because of its delicious food, wide range of outdoor activities, and top exchange rates. There are a lot of exceptional kinds of food in Thailand, from delicious street meals to high-class standard eating. Furthermore, Thailand stands out as a captivating region to go to because it […]

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Real estate lawyer handing out keys

What Are the Benefits of Using a Real Estate Lawyer?

Real estate transactions can challenge first-time buyers or sellers. While property deals can be completed without legal assistance, a real estate lawyer provides advantages. These professionals specialize in property law and offer guidance throughout the process. From reviewing contracts to ensuring proper documentation, a real estate lawyer advocates for you in a significant financial transaction. […]

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View of the city from Park Guell in Barcelona, Spain

Spain Leveraging Technology

Spain has shown itself to be a key player in the technological spaces and the race for digital transformation. With a focus on research and digital development, it aims to improve its economy and the quality of life of its people. Cities like Barcelona and Madrid are playing significant roles in Spain’s technological investments and […]

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How to Start a Career as a Family Lawyer

How to Start a Career as a Family Lawyer

Of all the possible fields in the legal world you can get into, family law has to be one of the most complicated and emotionally draining. It’s this area where your emotional fortitude is tested as you deal with custody battles and divorce proceedings affecting not just partners but also children. While they’re sometimes unappreciated […]

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Writing on paper

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Essay-Writing For Law Students

Law school is all about writing essays. And learning how to write them is central to learning complicated and abstract legal concepts and thinking critically and carefully. Therefore, mastering this skill is not optional – it is essential. This guide details the underlying do’s and don’ts that can help you succeed in your essays. Academized […]

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Consultation With a Personal Injury Lawyer

How to Prepare for a Consultation With a Personal Injury Lawyer: Essential Tips and Steps

Meeting with a personal injury lawyer can be important if you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence. Any reputable personal injury lawyer will be able to make you feel comfortable and walk you through the steps you need to take to get the compensation you deserve, but this doesn’t mean that preparation isn’t needed. […]

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Accident Investigation and Law

Careers in Accident Investigation and Law

Various professionals have played critical roles in investigating truths, ensuring justice is served, and helping the affected persons. These careers require an exceptional mix of analytical skills, legal knowledge, and emotions. They involve constructing complex evidence puzzles, defending people’s rights, and trending through a maze of laws. We will examine different major professionals within this […]

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legal careers

Career Options for Law School Graduates

A law school graduate is suited for a wide variety of careers, and not all of them involve representing clients with respect to legal matters. While law school is, in part, a place to learn about “the law,” it’s also a place to learn how to analyze complex issues, communicate persuasively, negotiate, and resolve conflicts. […]

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English Proficiency in International Law

English Proficiency in International Law

In the field of international law, English proficiency has become an indispensable skill for legal professionals navigating the complex landscape of global governance and diplomacy. This article explores the crucial role of English proficiency in international law, examining its impact, challenges, and the significance of effective communication. Additionally, we will explore how language learning apps, […]

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front view girl learning math school

School Policies and the Law: Navigating Student Rights and School Safety

Despite its main functions of education, a school is a community where each student’s personality and values are formed. Thus, their future. College is also an environment where the rights of students and school safety require special attention. And not just attention but understanding and systemic support. Below, we will try to analyze in depth […]

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Get a Job at a Law Firm

How to Get a Job at a Law Firm

Embarking on a career in the legal field requires more than just qualifications. It involves understanding the nuances of how to effectively navigate the professional landscape of law firms. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for those aspiring to work in a law firm, covering key aspects such as crafting an effective resume, understanding […]

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Different Types of J.D. Concentrations and Their Importance

Different Types of J.D. Concentrations and Their Importance

Among popular career paths like medicine, engineering, technology, and arts, many people also opt for law. The path to becoming a lawyer starts with a Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.) after earning your bachelor’s. It includes coursework that teaches you the fundamental law principles in various areas, along with the necessary critical, analytical, and practical skills […]

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Things to Know Before Becoming a Law Student

12 Things to Know Before Becoming a Law Student

Law is one of the most fascinating fields that attracts many school-goers. If you are also willing to become a law student, you must be aware of certain key aspects. Law education is quite challenging academically. It requires strong commitment and a unique set of skills. Even the most accomplished students may need help with […]

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holding pencil and writing

How to Prepare for the Bar Exam: 7 Tips for Law Students

Preparing for the bar exam is a pivotal step in the journey of every law student. This rigorous assessment tests your legal knowledge and challenges your analytical and reasoning skills. As a law student, you’re already familiar with the pressures of academic life, from drafting complex legal documents to engaging in intense moot court sessions. […]

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lawyers in a meeting

From Classroom to Courtroom: Top 8 Public Speaking Tips for Law Students

Transitioning from the academic environment of a law school to the high-stakes world of courtrooms, law students often find that effective public speaking is a critical skill. While mastering legal principles and case laws is essential, the ability to present them convincingly in front of judges, juries, and peers cannot be understated. Public speaking in […]

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Class Action Lawsuits

The Ins and Outs of Class Action Lawsuits: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you experienced a sense of being deceived or wronged, along with many others who share a similar plight? If so, you might find a class action lawsuit to be of interest. A class action is a legal remedy where numerous individuals unite in a collective claim to seek compensation for damages. This blog delves […]

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