How to Build a Career in the Legal Field for a Student

Whether you are a student thinking of starting your business or getting ready for a successful legal career, you know how many challenges lie ahead.

You are under pressure to demonstrate academic progress and excel in the legal career department.

How to Build a Career in the Legal Field

Is it possible to combine the two without getting too stressed?

Anyone who wants to become a corporate lawyer, a legal secretary, or a contract manager for a large corporation needs to read these tips before kickstarting their college career.

Choose Your Main Interests

You probably know that law is incredibly diverse, with multiple areas you can explore and dive into as you continue your academic career.

Think of your preferred field of interest before you embark on your legal journey and become a law professor or a judicial assistant for your regional court.

Do you feel more confident studying corporate or criminal law?

Would you be better suited to working for a leading law firm rather than teaching students the foundations of the legal system?

Once you have prioritized one direction and taken your time to reflect on your interests, you can start searching for organizations that match a desired standard.

You don’t have to set unrealistic expectations.

Nobody will be critical of a first-year student who decides to work for a small law firm at the beginning of their career.

Place more focus on the ethical values of a specific company and decide if their requirements align with your aspirations.

Starting your legal practice can be complicated, so make sure you only provide legal assistance to organizations with impeccable reputations.

Have Practical Experience

Employers are more inclined to hire candidates who have already shown commitment to the legal profession and demonstrated their ability to combine academic studies with real-life practice.

For this reason, attending legal extracurricular activities in college plays a crucial part in your career development.

You are probably thinking: “I can just ask someone to write my paper on judicial law while I’m preparing for a brilliant legal career.”

However, educational practice is more than crafting essays and reading notes – you have to go out of your way to prove that you are ready to work on legal cases and build successful bonds with your colleagues.

Find out whether there are any law clubs or organizations that you can join while in college.

These can be student law associations or legal charities open to hiring students as a part of their team.

The practical experience on your resume will make you a more desirable candidate for any law firm in your city.

Start Networking

If you want to secure your position in the legal field, networking is a practice that can become your key to success.

So, what is the most effective way to form connections in the legal area?

Start attending monthly seminars and conferences to meet legal professionals as they deliver lectures on the subject or interact with law students in a more informal setting.

You will come across practicing judges, contract attorneys, corporate lawyers, and legal recruiters who know all the secrets of legislation and can provide valuable tips for your future career.

You can also save some of their contacts so they can reach out to you if there are relevant career opportunities.

Be polite and courteous when approaching professional lawyers, attorneys, and alumni.

If you are not ready to interact with your role models in person, you can start sending emails to people you admire in the legal field and asking them about their experience.

Be ready to maintain your contacts throughout your time in college, and always take advantage of every opportunity to build meaningful connections outside the classroom.

Find Internships

Another way to gain practical experience in the legal field is by applying for an internship while in college.

Paid internships will allow you to pick up some trade tricks from lawyers and judges who have years of experience.

You will also gain the type of knowledge you would never learn in the classroom.

Students will be provided with valuable insights into the daily operations of a law firm so they can see behind-the-scenes mechanisms of getting their work done.

An internship is the best way to work on legal cases and participate in drafting legal documents for your company.

Chelsea Wilson

About Chelsea Wilson

Chelsea Wilson is the Community Relations Manager for Washington University School of Law’s distance learning LLM degree program, which provides foreign trained attorneys with the opportunity to earn a Master of Laws degree from a top-tier American university from anywhere in the world.

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