Michael Morales

About Michael Morales

Michael Morales is the Webmaster and Editor in Chief for Legalcareerpaths.com. With a strong background in Web Publishing and Internet Marketing, he currently works as an independent consultant. A former paramedic and ems educator, he enjoys punishing himself doing triathlons and endurance sports. Michael currently lives in sunny Northern California, home of the highest tax rates in the world.

Author Archive | Michael Morales

John Wrana killed by police

95 Year Old WW2 Veteran Refuses Medical Care, Law Enforment Use Lethal Force

Veteran John Wrana who fought for America in World War 2, is dead from a bean bag shotgun blast to the stomach. The incident apparently began after Wrana grew agitated at the staff for pressuring him for medical attention. This is very common for elderly living in assisted living facilities to refuse care. What is […]

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U.S. Slaps More New York Politicians with Corruption Charges

NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York State Assemblyman Eric Stevenson was charged with corruption by prosecutors on Thursday, and another assemblyman was forced to resign, in the second federal graft case brought against New York politicians this week. Federal prosecutors have accused Stevenson of taking more than $22,000 in bribes in exchange for official acts, […]

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Personal Injury Attorney

Maximising the Chances of Making a Successful Personal Injury Claim

Following an accident you may find yourself – perhaps for the very first time – facing the prospect of having to instruct a solicitor to pursue a claim for compensation on your behalf. This can often seem a daunting task as you begin to ponder such questions as how to choose the ‘right’ solicitor, what information […]

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u.s. vs china cyberwar

USA and China Edge Toward Cyberwar

 Are the Chinese the aggressors here like Washington wants everyone to believe and is the U.S. an innocent victim? China’s Ministry of National Defense claims 63% of the 144,000 monthly cyber attacks that it recorded last year came from U.S.-based IP addresses. http://www.reuters.com/

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How to become an FBI agent

Careers with the FBI

FBI agents have a challenging  job conducting national security investigations that can be extremely sensitive. The work of FBI agents require the professionals to enforce over 300 federal statutes. The Federal Bureau of Investigations work entails enforcing criminal laws but also includes intelligence responsibilities. In short, their objecitve is to protect and defend the U.S. against terrorist, […]

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career as a judge

I’ll be the Judge of That!

A judge is a person who makes sure those hearings and trials are handled fairly in regard to the laws. A judge will preside over cases that may involve civil disputes, traffic violations, and business disputes. In cases where juries are called on to make decisions regarding the outcome of the case, a judge will […]

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