Tina Wolf has been working as a freelance writer for several years. She enjoys writing about the government and history as well as other legal topics. She authors a blog about parenting a high ability student as well as one about parenting in general. Connect with Tina: LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tina-wolf/22/204/a6a Twitter: @wolfee21

Author Archive | Tina Wolf

Legal Studies Programs in Alabama

Legal Studies Programs in Alabama

Listed below are the accredited schools in Alabama that offer a legal studies program. Overview Throughout the state of Alabama, there are 16 universities and colleges that offer legal studies degrees. The schools are located in 13 cities within the state with the greatest concentration of the programs being located in Birmingham and Montgomery. The […]

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legal studies degree

Online Associates in Legal Studies

When it comes to obtaining a degree in legal studies a person will have the option of choosing an online degree program or participating in a legal studies program at a local college or university. There are many benefits to choosing to obtain an associate’s degree in legal studies online. Benefits of Online Associates in […]

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IRS Scandal

IRS Scandal: Who Was Targeted and Why?

For the first time in recent history, the IRS has been knocked down a few pegs. In a hearing, lawmakers took turns calling out IRS Commissioner Steven Miller for the scandalous practice of targeting groups that were thought to be conservative. What Did the IRS Do? To put it simply, in a report issued by […]

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George Washington

How Did Obama’s State of the Union Speech Rank?

The United States Constitution, Article II, Section 3, requires the President to give Congress information on the State of the Union and to recommend their consideration for measures that he judges necessary and expedient. George Washington personally delivered his first message to Congress on January 8th, 1790. Since then presidents have been delivering what is […]

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President Obama

The Obama and Boehner Battle over the State of the Union

It is no secret that the United States suffers from spending more money than they are bringing in. If the average person tried to live off the budget that the current government is using, they would be homeless within just a few days. This overspending budget is just one of the reasons for the bad […]

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U.S. Constitution, Obama Gun Control

The Constitutionality of Gun Control

Gun control and the Second Amendment to the Constitution are widely discussed topics on a fairly consistent basis. The debate over gun control and a person’s right to bear arms becomes more intense in the aftermath of an incident that involved the use of a gun, like the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. […]

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